THE MAGIC FLUTE photographs w/ comments...
This is the way I normally look on stage. I'm ready for Downtown Bagdad!These are my friends hanging out in their Egyptian dresses. Note: no veil. The costumer loves them more.
Here are my buddies, the Friendly Neighborhood Terrorists. I tease them a lot 'cause they're wearing wrestling belts. There's a lot of "Can you smell what Dave is cooking!!!" going on backstage...
These kids are boy sopranos from the Madeline School. They're amazing. Technically they're The Three Spirits but we just call 'em the Radioactive Mud Boys. They're really cool kids and the one w/ the goggles is so ready to go pod racing.
Here's Queen Amidala's Mom!... oh wait, no. That's the Queen of the Night!
This is Monostatos. He's the bad guy with really cool tatoos.
This is one of the Three Ladies, otherwise know as The Bollywood Dream Girl!
This is Maestro Tweeten, our conductor. He dosn't wear a costume but I got such a good picture of him I thought I'd include it.
These ladies are our 3 make-up/wig/glamour technicians at our shi-shi After Party. They're super cool and the one on the right (who looks like Tara Reid after a bender) is my buddy. Yes, she's from Texas.
This is the wall I painted so everyone could sign. It's tradition at The Capitol Theater and I'm pretty proud I got to paint this one.
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